Sadguru Narayan Maharaj
Sadguru Narayan Maharaj and his disciples actively participated in the Shatakoti Archana conducted by Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Tiruvadikal at Sree Ramadasa Ashram.About 1500 people came with dedication and devotion to participate in the Shatakoti Archana that was the first of it's kind after the one in Naimisharanyam in Dwaparayuga.They were blessed with the vision of Lord Dattatreya.They also were blessed with the vision of the Divine Mother in the form of a Jyoti at the site of the Jyotikshetram.This pooja was followed by a 200 crore Siva Dattatreya archana at Narayanpur in Pune under the combined spiritual guidance of Anna Maharaj of Shree Kshetra Narayanpur and Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Tiruvadikal.
- Sadguru Narayan Maharaj of Sree Kshetra, Narayanpur, Pune along with 1500 devotees arrived by a chartered train and performs 56 Crore chants in 14 days
- Lord Dattatreya gave Darshan to the volunteers of the water-supply-team in a 60 feet tall astral form along with a cow and four dogs of similar proportions on the seventh day of their arrival
- Mother Goddess descended from miles up in the sky in the form a brilliant Jyoti through the center of the Jyotikshetram and blessed the devotees at around 8.30 p.m., on May 30, 2000.
- Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Thiruvadikal crowned Sadguru Narayan Maharaj on the conclusion of 56 Crore chants which coincided with the anniversary of the crowning of Sivaji as the Chatrapathi by Sadguru Samartha Ramadas.
- Sadguru Narayan Maharaj reminisced the crowning of Sugreeva by Lord Sree Ramachandra and made a historical decision to conduct two Sathakoti Archanas (200 Crore Namas) of Lord Shiva and Lord Dattatreya at Narayanpur during Dattatreya Jayanti in November-December, 2000.
Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Tiruvadikal conducting Homam at Shree Kshetra Narayanpur along with Sadguru Narayan Maharaj
It happened on the seventh day after the arrival of the historic train that carried the 1500 devotees and Sadguru Narayan Maharaj from Sri Kshetra at Narayanpur. I was end of summer and there was shortage of water. So volunteers were bringing water from a granite quarry situated two kilometers from the Ashram. On May 28, 2000 in the dead of the night at around 2 a.m. the volunteers of the water-supply-teams had this horripilating vision of an unearthly form of a mendicant about 60 feet tall, walking along in the company of a cow and four dogs of similar proportions. They did not feel any fear but felt complete peace at heart.
Though they had no clue on who has manifested in front them they knew what it meant. The previous night the Brahmachari of the Ashram who was looking after the water supply had cautioned them about the un-auspiciousness of the time they were in the quarry. He had also assured them that they were under total protection of the Divine and suggested that they keep a devout state of mind while at work. They promptly reported this matter to the same Brahmachari. After hearing their description the he produced a painting in front them. All of them shouted at once in one voice: “This is the form we saw.” It was the picture of Lord Dattatreya along with the cow and four dogs. The matter was reported to both Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi and Sadguru Narayan Maharaj who confirmed it was Lord Dattatreya who gave Darshan to the volunteers.
After the sunrise the news about the manifestation of “Gurudeva Datta”, the reigning deity at Sri Kshetra at Narayanpur, spread like wild fire amongst the devotees from Narayanpur. The volunteers were literally mobbed! Everyone wanted hear about it directly from them. Some devotees touched their feet! Some took photographs with them!! The volunteers enjoyed the attention they were receiving, albeit with humility.
It is in this atmosphere charged with devotion, disappointment and fervent expectations that the Divine Mother manifested as a brilliant and lustrous light in less than forty-eight hours.
Mother manifested as a brilliant and lustrous light in less than forty-eight hours.
It was the eve of May 30, 2000. The devotees were still discussing about the Darshan of Lord Dattatreya during the intervals between Archana sessions. It was the time of load shedding for the electric supply. Except for the Archana mandapam and the surroundings lit up by the power from a generator it was pitch dark. The pradakshina mandapam of Jyotikshetram was reverberating with the chants of Lalita-sahasra-nama. At around 8.30 p.m. as the Archakas completed a round of Archana they heard shouts of children playing in the sands outside. “Look up. Look up.” They all got up and looked up.
They witnessed a JYOTI (brilliant and lustrous light) descending from miles above. Chants of “Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare”, “Gurudeva Datta” and “Jai Mata Di” filled the atmosphere.The Divine Mother descended as Jyoti-swaroopini at the centre of the Jyotikshetram amidst the chants, the folded hands and the eyes filled with the tears of ecstasy.
SHE descended to a height five feet above the ground and vanished. The chants became more intense and fervent. As if in response JYOTI appeared again brilliant and lustrous and ascended skywards. As it reached the point of origin it vanished again. Again the chants became feverish and SHE appeared again and slowly descended as in the first time to the same spot and disappeared only to appear again and ascend. The Divine Mother repeated Her descent and ascent three times. Then SHE disappeared to the heavens above.
All those present were gripped with ardent devotion and the chants of the Holy Names went on and on. People came rushing from as far away as five kilometers to the Ashram to enquire about what they had just witnessed only to join in the chanting which went on until the evening Arathi.
His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Thiruvadikal had weathered enormous hardships and surmounted enormous difficulties to make the Sathakoti Archana a reality. His Holiness’ sankalpa of the Mahayajna as an antidote to the Vasundhara Yoga and other calamities that befell our Sacred Land Bharath bore fruition on that eve.
According to His Holiness the JYOTI was so bright and penetrating that His Holiness could see the network of the leaves in their shadow! So luminous and penetrating a light!! Yet nobody felt any heat!!!